

Clean drinkable water for human consumption is vital. Sadly, not everyone in Cameroon can access water of that quality. The national water provider "Camerounaise des Eaux"  can only provide 100.000 cubic meter per day in Yaoundé, the city needs 275.000 cubic meter a day. It is expected the company will be able to provide 190.000 cubic meter by December 2013. Quand bien même l’eau est disponible elle est généralement de mauvaise qualité, pouvant poser de véritables problèmes de santé. When water is available, it can be of a poor quality. In November last year, the national daily "Cameroon Tribune" wrote a report on yellowish colour of water in Yaoundé. En effet Les Nations Unies estiment qu’une personne a besoin de 20 à 50 litres d’eau par jour pour ses besoins quotidiens. United Nations estimate that a person needs at least 20 to 50 liters of water in a day. 88% of deaths caused by diarrhoea. Therefore at Aura Cameroon:

·          -    We care about the health and the well-being our clients
    -     We provide businesses with top solutions for water treatment
    -     We help people in rural areas gain access to clean drinkable water

How we care about  the health and well-being of our clients

 We have technologies and equipments for all types of clients in our branches and online. Soon enough, we hope all cameroonians will be able to afford the latest technologies for water treatment. Water related-diseases include cholera, typhoid fever and diarrhoea. Our devices clean water of all impurities and particles.

We help Businesses

 We help businesses that seek to provide clean drinkable water to their workforce and their clients. We have a range of efficient solutions for all businesses from state-of-the art water coolers to water reserves and industrial reverse osmosis systems.

How we provide clean drinkable water to people in rural areas

 Access to portable water is a daily challenges for populations in rural areas of Cameroon. We work with the Government and Non Governmental Organisations to help populations in rural areas gain access to clean drinkable water.

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Our Services

 For your needs in good water quality for ...
Water supply in Rural and semi-urban Areas ...